Does IT understand how you work, how you create value, and how your success is measured? Does IT only focus on the technology aspects of solutions? Do you build together? Do you get the results you expected?

Truly excellent IT can transform how you work. It could look like streamlining and automating a manual process that takes hours each day. Maybe your new hires are fully onboarded on their first day instead of weeks later. Perhaps you have the dashboards you need to decide where your time should be spent. In any case, excellent IT requires a deep understanding of the business – focusing on the technology alone won’t cut it.

I thrive at the intersection of people, culture, process, data, and technology. I can help you with things like:

  • advising on and managing a specific project
  • transforming a specific IT capability
  • developing a strategic roadmap for IT
  • hiring your first IT professional or choosing a managed services provider
  • helping your IT team become more customer focused
  • helping your IT team become more agile

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